Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Virtuous Role of a Spouse - 1891 Words

The Virtuous Role of a Spouse Women in today’s society have become equal to men in nearly every aspect of life. They hold independent jobs, can provide for themselves, and have almost every right that man has. Up until very recently, this was not the case for women or their value in the community. In the 16th century, women were treated completely different. They were primarily domestic-minded, and were chosen by husbands based off of the value that they could bring into a household. Beauty and love did come into play, but the woman was definitely subordinate to the potential husband in almost every aspect. In Cervantes’ Don Quixote, virtue in a spouse is defined by cultural thought and through an indirect source that creates a â€Å"perfect† wife mentally. In order to establish a historical understanding of what is happening during the time that Don Quixote was written, it is essential to look at the religious influence on Spain. At the time, Christianity was pr edominant. Spaniards shared a religious identity, Catholicism, and all other religions were forced out and were not tolerated (Canneque). This religious power will continue during the time that Cervantes writes Don Quixote. Whether or not Cervantes’ goal was to bring attention to the religious culture in Spain at the time, it is inevitable that this way of thinking and use of the Bible gets brought into play. At the dawn of the 16th century, the role of women was not something to write home about. It was obviousShow MoreRelatedCritically Evaluating Medical Ethics And Legal Issues1403 Words   |  6 Pagesindividuals due to gratitude or through a promise. However, his approach can openly be criticized for the lack of attention to the issues of the rights. Furthermore, Ross fails to mention significant relationships such as a parent and child or spouse and spouse and focuses more on relationships between harmer and harmee and promiser and promisee. 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