Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Significance Of Sex Education - 982 Words

Pham, Khoa Professor Tina Nunez English 101 6 October 2017 The Significance of Sex Education As teenagers start to grow up, they face with many difficult decisions about relationship and sexual behavior in their lives. It can impact their lives, health and behavior. To make sure that your children follow the right path to live a healthy life, sex education can prepare them to make good decisions. If you are not sexually active, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give up your chance to learn about it. Sex education shouldn’t be limited to teenagers just because their parents have a different perspective on it. The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. Sex education should be a mandatory part of the California public school†¦show more content†¦Many boys will learn that when a girl don’t want to have sex, they have to respect her rights. This method will decrease crimes situation like rape. We as a society need to prevent things like this for the next generation. Sex education teach children the consequences and many important facts. According to Hannah Fogg â€Å"Learning about STIs is not the only aspect of sex education. It can also include: bodily development, sex, sexuality, and relationships.† (Op-Ed) Sex education also teach children about how their emotion can change, how your body start to change when you getting older like puberty, hormones change and method to deal with these problems. This knowledge is valuable to young teenagers. Without these classes, teenagers are clueless and will likely to cause many problems. Hannah Fogg stated â€Å" Since it is so natural, it is important to teach students at a reasonable age the dangers of sex and how to prevent them. Having comprehensive sexual health classes in schools ensures that students and teens alike are taking preventative measures to keep themselves and their partners safe.† (Op-Ed). Many parents are against the ideas of sex education because they believes that sex education led children to have sex at an early age. Would parents rather let their kids to learn about sex through an educated adult, or pornography and their peers? We are living in an ideal world, technology is a big impact in our lives. Teenagers can now access to website thatShow MoreRelatedFeminism: Womens Status in Higher Education1448 Words   |  6 Pages(Bull 1). Companies, organizations and social groups continue to strive for total equality in all fields of work, life and education but socially ingrained stereotypes, gender roles and sexism still influence people subconsciously in their actions and decisions. Companies such as Deutsche Telekom strive to make clear, significant goals in efforts to show their support for sex equality. 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