Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on 2015 S1 Assignment - 636 Words

BEO2264: Microeconomic Analysis Semester 1, 2015 ASSIGNMENT _________________________________________________________ Due Date: The week beginning the 11th of May, 2015. The completed assignment must be submitted to your lecturer during your scheduled seminar. Value: 20% of Total Assessment You should attach a cover sheet, and do not submit the assignment in folders or plastic protective covers. The assignment to be done in groups of two. Late submission will incur a penalty of 10 per cent per day. Question 1 (5 marks, 200 words) (a) Thomas Malthus reasoned that because the amount of land is fixed, as population grows and more and†¦show more content†¦(a) In what sense taxing food is a ‘good’ way to raise tax revenue? (b) In what sense is it not a ‘good’ way to raise revenue? Marking Reference Grade (%) Criterion 80 - 100 Demonstrate thorough understanding of the relevant concepts. Information from appropriate sources is integrated with analysis. Information is accurately referenced using Harvard System, including in text referencing if applicable. Demonstrated ability to draw conclusions with appropriate justifications. Explanations are clear and concise. Well formatted, edited, and minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Timely submission. 70 - 79 Demonstrate good understanding of the relevant concepts. Information from appropriate sources is integrated with analysis. Information is accurately referenced using Harvard System, including in text referencing if applicable. Demonstrated ability to draw conclusions and attempts some justification for position with explanations. Formatted and edited to good standard, minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Timely submission. 60 - 69 Demonstrate above average understanding of the relevant concepts. Information from appropriate sources is integrated with some analysis. Accurately reference resources using Harvard System, including in text referencing if applicable. Timely submission. 50 - 59 Demonstrate limited understanding of the relevant concepts. CanShow MoreRelatedAssignment Questions On Economic Principles1049 Words   |  5 PagesKoo Weng Liang Written Assignment 1 (Microeconomics) for DB106 Economic Principles Assignment Questions Question 1 A) An opportunity cost will arise when economists using between alternative ways of allocating scarce resources. The opportunity cost is for economists to make decision of the alternative use of scarce resources. By using production possibility frontiers (PPF) can be illustrated the opportunity cost to result a clear simple way to effects of making economic choice. 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