Sunday, March 8, 2020

CHAP13 Essays

CHAP13 Essays CHAP13 Paper CHAP13 Paper Essay Topic: Poetry TRUE/FALSE. The text setting in Alleluia, O virga mediatrix is mostly syllabic ANSWER: FALSE The text Alleluia, O virga mediatrix is from which portion of the Mass? a) the Ordinary b) the Proper B. THE PROPER The texts of the Mass service that are specific to a particular feast day are called the Ordinary false FEASTS OF THE MASS ARE SPECIFIC TO THAT FEAST Which era does this chanson exemplify? a) Ars antiqua b) Ars nova B. ARS NOVA Which statement is NOT true about medieval instrumentalists? They performed only music written specifically for instruments. The medieval French chanson can be described as a secular vocal composition set to a courtly love poem. TRUE The liturgy refers to the set order of services and structure of each service. TRUE. SERVICES TO THE CHURCH. Instrumental music in the Middle Ages was generally improvised rather than played from notation. TRUE Music performed with exchanges between a soloist and chorus is called: responsorial singing Puis quen oubli has no repeated musical sections. FALSE. Puis quen oubli form, IS a basic musical idea the theme is repeated over and over Machauts Puis quon oubli is best classified as: secular music WROTE LOVE SONGS The two main services for the Roman Catholic Church are the daily Offices and the Mass. TRUE Troubadours, medieval poet-musicians from the southern region of France, belonged to: mainly the upper classes and the aristocracy. Most surviving examples of Gregorian chant are anonymous. TRUE A unique feature of Hildegards chant is her occasional use of an upward leap of a fifth, lending an expansive feel to the musi TRUE The text of Machauts chanson tells of courtly love The medieval motet can be characterized as a polyphonic vocal composition, either sacred or secular. true One of the most important forms of polyphonic music fromc 1250 to 1750. Puis quen oubli is in a triple meter with gently syncopated rhythms True Machauts music is rich in affective harmonies, syncopated rhythms, and interplay between double and triple meters. Hildegard was known for all the following EXCEPT: her historical writings about the saints. The vocal range of Puis quen oubli is low, best suited for mens voices true Gregorian chant features regularly phrased melodic lines supported by instrumental accompaniment false The repeated text and music heard in Machauts chanson is: the refrain. Early notation used neumes, little ascending and descending signs written above the words that suggested the shape of the melodic line TRUE NEUMES, are the basic elements of Western and Eastern systems of musical notation prior to the invention of five-line staff notation. The word neume is a Middle English corruption of the ultimately Greek word for breath (pneuma The poems of the troubadour and trouvà ¨re repertory include: a) political and moral songs. b) love songs centered on the idea of unrequited love c) Both a and b. a) political and moral songs. b) love songs centered on the idea of unrequited love c) Both a and b. C. BOTH A AND B In which poetic form is Machauts chanson set A. rondeau The rondeau form calls for a rigid pattern of repetition of verse and refrain, Hildegards chant Alleluia, O virga mediatrix was intended for performance on a feast day for the Virgin. TRUE To which category of medieval instruments do the sackbut and shawm belong? loud (haut) instruments sackbut The sackbut is a trombone from the Renaissance and Baroque eras shawm=The shawm was a medieval and Renaissance musical instrument of the woodwind family made in Europe from the 12th century (at the latest) until the 17th centurY The chants of the church used only the major and minor scale patterns found in later music false A single line melody that consists of a sigle line melody that is monphonic in texture and lacks harmony and counterpoint is know as ? Gregorian chant or Plain chant What are the three main groups of chant melodies Syllabic-one note sung to each syllable of text Neumatic: a small group of up to 5-6 notes sung to a syllable melismatic. long groups of notes set to a single syllable of text modal Western use of a variety of scale patterns or mode. The adjective modal refers to various melodic and harmonic types Series of services offered throughout the day at monasteries and convents Offices what are two of the are divided into two types offices and the mass Collection of prayers that make up the mass falls into what two categories Proper-texts that vary from day to day Ordinary-texts that remain the same in every mass

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