Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Declaration of Independence Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Declaration of Independence Evaluation - Essay Example It has several similarities with the work of John Locke’s second treatise of government. The first cause of the document that states that all men are created equal with inalienable rights of liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness is in conjunction with the Locke philosophy. Locke point of view was that all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal with no one having more than the other does. The document further proceeds to emphasize that government is established through the consent of the citizens to protect their rights. Finally, it states that in case the government fails to address and protect the rights of the people then it will be the right of the people to abolish or alter the government. The Locke’s philosophy is well enshrined in the declaration of independence. Hobbes counter declaration mimics the ideologies of declaration of independence and the Hobbes ideas was to justify the kings action in England as perfectly legitimate. Hobbes perception and beliefs allowed the people to elect sovereign once and after that, the people should be obedient to the government without questioning. The sovereign as called by Hobbes decides the successor and the rules. The perspective was seen the United States founding fathers that this method will leave the government vulnerable to corruption. With the idea they opted to apply Locke’s’ philosophy. Hobbesian counter declaration saw the need for the people to dissolve any political bond that have connected them and take the power of the earth. He further expounded that opinion of the humankind necessity declaring the cause that impel them to the separation. His ideologies were evident that all men are created equal and endowed with life by the creator and securing these rights the governments were to be instituted among men. Hobessian perspective on the declaration of independence could have stated that

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