Monday, September 23, 2019

Bill of Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bill of Rights - Essay Example Amendment four People have the right to be safe in their houses, effects, and persons, against illogical seizures and searches, shall not be infringed, and no guarantees shall issue, but on likely cause, supported by affirmation or oath, and specifically describing the location of search, and the individuals or items to be seized. Amendment five No one shall be answerable for a capital, or any renowned crime, except on an indictment or a presentment of grand judges, in exception of cases occurring from naval or land forces, or in the military, when in real service in war or public danger times; nor shall any individual be subject to similar offense to be placed in danger of life or extremity, nor shall be forced in any criminal case to witness against himself, nor his life, property, or liberty be deprived without the correct law process, nor shall personal property be taken to be used publicly, without being justly compensated. Amendment six The accused shall enjoy the right to a qu ick and public trial, by a neutral judge of the district and state where the crime was committed, the district should have been determined by law, and to be made aware of the cause and nature of the allegation; to be dealt with the witness in opposition to him; to have an obligatory procedure for finding witnesses in his favor, and to be assisted by the counsel in defending him. Amendment seven At common law suits, where the value in disagreement exceeds twenty dollars, the jury’s right of trial shall be preserved, yet no reality by a judge shall be otherwise be reevaluated in any U.S. court, than in accordance to the common law. Amendment eight Extreme bail shall not be necessary, nor extra fines imposed, nor brutal and strange punishments imposed. Amendment nine The details in the Constitution, of particular rights, shall not be interpreted to disparage or deny others retained by citizens. Amendment ten Those powers not provided by the Constitution to the U.S, nor forbidden by it to the states, are set aside to the states respectively, or to the citizens. The amendments related to due process protections and criminal procedures protect the rights of the accused and the suspected persons, convicted criminals, and criminal defendants. The rights are all provided in the 4th 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments as discussed above (Bruns, 1986). Our group chose on five U.S citizens to interview in order to get a clear understanding of how the public is aware of the Human Rights and the procedures established by the amendments. The interviewees included a male University student, a soldier, a female lawyer, a business man, and a female town clerk. The group interviewed the five citizens basing on: their perceptions and awareness regarding the subject; knowledge on the violation of rights and protection; and knowledge on particular human rights institutions and the process of accessing them. The survey questions to the interviewees were: Have you ever heard of the U .S Constitutional Bill of Rights? Are you aware that the Constitution has a chapter on criminal procedures and protection of essential human rights? How much of the Bill do you have clear knowledge about? By how far have you read the U.S constitution? Do you think the rights are being exercised as provided? Are

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